School History
The School Anthem
1- All through our College a voice is resounding,
Promptly respond to your duty's sweet call,
Hearken you all for the trumpet is sounding,
Your Mater's proclaiming her watchwords to all.
Forward her children dear,
Ever with hearts sincere,
Render with joy to your mater her due,
All that is vile reject,
Heaven will e'er protect,
Sons of St Xavier's valiant and true!
2-Towards Truth and Charity motto still bearing,
Forward with courage in ways that are just,
True to your standard, be doing and daring,
As faithful Xaverians in Heaven your trust.
3-Onward upward in life’s earnest battle,
Joyously bearing the fight nobly forgiving,
For aught that may pain you,
And bravely defending the cause of the right.
4-Life up your hearts for a kingdom awaits you,
Honoured virtue with courage defend ,
Serve Him in life who in death can reward you,
and vow to be faithful and true to the end.
H. Cave says in his book published in 1900 that the foundation of St. Edwards school and the erection of several other buildings must have been a considerable gratification to the late Sir Samual Baker, who upon his arrival in Nuwara Eliya nearly half a century ago, wrote ” Why should not the highlands of Ceylon, with an Italian climate ,be rescued from this state of barrenness?. .Why should not schools be established, a comfortable hotel erected a church built…” .Further he goes on to say that there are many other excellent institutions are now well established in Nuwara Eliya.
1548- St Francis Xavier the patron saint of the College visited Mannar and Jaffna to persuade the King to of Jaffna to cease his persecution against the Christians.
1580-The First Roman Catholic Church was built in Jaffna .
1591-The whole peninsular came under the rule of Addrea Furtado de Mendoca.
1658-The Dutch invasion and hostile disposition towards the Catholics.
1796-British invasion –Persecution of Roman Catholics ends.
1845- Ceylon was divided into two vicariates – Colombo and Jaffna .
Vicar Apostolic of Jaffna and Founder of St Patrick’s College Jaffna ( 1842)
His Lordship the Bishop Orazio Bettachchini who came to Kandy in 1843 September is the first to mentioned about the Nuwara Eliya Roman Catholic Church and the Parish School in his report
1844- First Roman Catholic Church in Nuwara Eliya was built at a premises presently known as Modelle Dwellings adjoining the Police lane .
1848- A land was granted by Viscount Torrington and the St Xavier’s Church(second) was shifted to the Lady Mc Callum’s drive west end.
1859- Rev Fr.Adrian Bernadr Duffo (Born in 1827 in France-ordained by Mgr.De Mazenod in 1951 ) and Fr.John Peter Perreard (born 1826 in Savoy ) engage in work in Nuwara Eliya operating from Gampola and Kandy . They mention that there had been 400 Catholic families in Nuwara Eliya in1864.
The Parish - School St Xavier’s School was instituted with a single teacher and 33 pupils at Model Dwellings in 1859 .
1865- 1875:Manager:Rev.Fr. L.Cingolani (Later Initiated the St Anthony’s Monastery in 1875 and St Anthony’s Cathedral Kandy in 1877 ,
Rev.Fr.Cingolani wrote ‘La Storia dell'isola di Ceylon ’, the history of the Sylvestro-Benedictine mission in Ceylon .
Immediately after his ordination the Italian Fr.Leo Cingolani O.S.B. arrived in Ceylon as a missionary early 1850. After working in various parishes, he became the Abbot at the Monastery in Kandy . In 1880, after 30 years of missionary work in Ceylon he left for Italy where he died on 11.8.1899. At the time of the Brothers first arrival at Colombo , Fr.Cingolani was actively engaged in mission work far away in the Central Province of Ceylon.
About the arrival of the first three Brothers, Rev.Dom Phil Caspersz O.S.B. ,a loyal old boy of St.Benedict's College, studied there in 1890’s, quoted the Sylvestro-Benedictine historian Fr.Cingolani thus:
"There stood the College Building , put up by Mgr.Sillani, near the Cathedral Mission House, and at enormous cost, but without any proffessors to take charge of it ,and then it seemed as if the Lord Himself has stepped forward to provide the Bishop with the wherewithal. For it actual happened as a matter of positive fact, that on 28th of January, there arrived at Galle , and thence to Colombo , four religious called the Brothers of the Christian Doctrine.... One of them was a Savoyard, two French and Englishman. All of them were well versed in English, as they had been already teaching in various parts of India ; and they had readily undertaken personal direction of the College, with definite terms of Agreement. On the same day of their arrival here Mgr. Sillani performed the ceremony of solemn blessing and inauguration of the Catholic College , under the name of St.Benedict's Institute.
1875-1882 Manager : Fr.A.L.Assou
1884-1885 Manager: Rev.Fr.D.Paul Perera
1885-1887 Manager : Rev.Fr. D.M.Craner
3rd Church building was constructed at the present site in 1887. Rev.Fr. D.M.Craner became the Rector of St Anthony’s College Kandy (1898-1905)
1882-1884 Manager : Rev.Fr.H.Tozzi
1887-1889 Managers: Rev.Fr.D.E.Regni
1889-1901 Manager: Rev.Fr.D.S.Papili
1901-1910 Manager: Rev.Fr.D.H.Leitan -Later he became The Rector of St Anthony’s College Kandy
The Ferguson Directory records the following in 1910-
Nazareth School-Order of Good Shepherd (Catholic) for senior girls and boys under 7 years, St Agatha School-Principal Miss Marsh, Non resident assistant Master-Rev.Vere Freeman(President of the Nuwara Eliya Cricket Club), shorthand Tutor; John Joseph, Holy Trinity Vernacular School-Principal Rev.Mathias Silva, Head Master-A Jayasekara, St Xavier’s Vernacular School-Principal Rev.Fr.S.J. Rodrigo, Head Master-M.Jayasooriya, Union school –Principal Miss.Haucke, Kinder garten Superintend ,Miss Henry, Head Mistress-Miss Perera.
Schools for Europeans :St Agatha, St. Edwards(1888), Hill School (1920)
Home School , Haddon Hill School (1925 Head Master -E.T.Davis, Union school(1925 –Head Mistress :Miss Caroline Fernando)
1910-1915 Manager: Rev.Fr.S.J.S.Rodrigo (MA),
Head Master Mr.M.Jayasooriya was appointed under him. He was called to Rest in 1916 and was buried in Nuwara Eliya.
Being admitted on 14th, March 1879 Rev.Fr.Solomon Rodrigo became the first Ceylonese (Sri Lankan) to enter the Pontifical College Urban De Propaganda Fide.
On 6th, November 1881 Father Rodrigo was robed by His Eminence Cardinal Simioni, the Prefect of the College. On 12th, February 1888 he had the unique privilege at that time, of receiving Holy Communion at the hands of His Holiness Pope Leo the XIII. He was ordained to the Priesthood by His Eminence Cardinal Vicar Lucido Maria Parocchi, and the ordination took place at the Sacred Arch Basilica of St. John in Lateran. Fr. Joseph De Solomon Rodrigo’s ordination on 25th, February 1888 made him the first Ceylonese to be ordained a Roman Catholic Priest in the Vatican City Rome ,the Spiritual Center of the Roman Catholic Religion.
Father Rodrigo was also the only Ceylonese and indeed the only Priest from the entire East who had the exceptional distinction of composing sacred music for the Basilica of St. Peter’s: Christendom’s Greatest Church and had the privilege of conducting the choir of that great Basilica of the “ Eternal City .” (The Ceylon daily news 15.11.1916, p.5) On 3rd, July 1888 Fr. Rodrigo had the rare honour to be appointed the Vice Rector of the Pontifical College Urban de Propaganda Fide Vatican City . Despite the high office which Father Rodrigo accepted with reluctance in obedience to his superiors, he left Urban College on 27th, November 1888 as his one desire was to go in to the missionary field.
He returned to Sri Lanka (then Ceylon ) on Christmas Day 1888 and first served in the Diocese of Colombo for 22 years before proceeding to the Mission of Nuwara Eliya in 1910, to serve as Parish Priest of St.Francis Xavier’s Church during the episcopate of His Lordship the Rt. Rev. Dr. D.C. Pagnani Bishop of Kandy (1885 - 1911) under whose Diocese was the Mission of Nuwara Eliya. Bishop Pagnani was succeeded By His Lordship the Rt. Rev. Dr. Bede Bekmeyer who became the first Ceylonese Bishop, and of Kandy (1911-1935)
Fr. Rodrigo had been the 9th, Parish Priest of St. Xavier’s Nuwara Eliya and served St Xavier’s College as its Manager from the year 1910 to 1915, and was assisted by the head master Mr.M.Jayasekara.
Father Rodrigo was an erudite Sinhala scholar and a prolific writer both in Sinhala and English. Two of his publications include “Exposition of False Reasoning” in Sinhala and “Origin & History of the Catholic Church at Wahakotte” in English.
One of the remarkable events worthy of mention was how Father Rodrigo had administered the service of the 3 Hour Agony on Good Friday in 1915 quoted in a publication edited by Rev. Fr. Theodore Pieris Mis. Ap. in “125 Years in Nuwara Eliya” p.28 and in the “Catholic Messenger’ of 27.11.1977 in an account titled “ Nuwara Eliya Priest Remembered”. It reads “ the Three Hour Agony service that was preached, he had delivered all 7 sermons and had, in between the sermons gone up to the choir, sung and conducted and rushed back for the next sermon. When all was over, some one remarked “You may be very tired Father”. “Not in the least” was his answer. “If you wish, I’ll do it all over again.”
Father Rodrigo celebrated his 25th, Religious anniversary of his sacerdotal ordination in March 1913, and 2 years later, after working laboriously for 26 years in the Diocese of Colombo and Kandy (Nuwara Eliya being his last Mission) at the age 56 years he was called to our Lord’s Own Vineyard on the first Friday of November 5th, 1915. Father Rodrigo’s remains were laid to rest at the Roman Catholic section of the Nuwara Eliya General Cemetery in Church road,
1915-1918 Rector : Rev Fr.J.E.Perera
1915-1918 Manager : Rev.Fr. D.B.Hyde
1918-1932 Manager : Rev.Fr. A.Siriwardene
“In Nuwara Eliya as in most parts of the island ,Mission Schools have been the pioneers of education. It was under the auspices of the Catholic Church that St. Xavier's School was started . During the decade of its existence, it has risen from, infancy to full maturity of a second grade institution. The history of St: Xavier's may well be considered the history of progress for as we trace its growth , we, are presented with a record of achievement of which this institution can be eminently proud.
The present buildings are due to the generosity of benefactors and well wishers too numerous to mention. St. Xavier’s has a history anterior to the period under review.
A school conducted by the mission which today, counts some distinguished old boys formed the nucleus of the present institution. The school which was registered in 1920 was then raised from the status of a primary ‘School to a junior secondary school………
The success I have had is most encouraging and it will be my endeavour through the years to earn for St. Xavier's a place prominent among the schools of the Island .
From the mere point of view of numbers, the school has progressed remarkably well.
Against an attendance of 110 boys in 1922, we now have 300. The school boarding houses nearly 21 boarders ” …………. Rev.Fr.Siriwardene 1929
1921- 21st May 1921 Rev.Bro.Junianus Edward F.S.C. (the 1st Provincial Visitor)inspected the school and suggested two- seat desks and benches for the school.
The academic affairs came under the De La Salle Brothers .
1st June 1921- Director : Rev.Bro.Alexander Basil (1876-1938) took charge of the school =
In 1921, for a very short period, the Director of St.Benedict's College, Bro.Bolcan of Jesus annexed St.Xavier's school, N'Eliya to his list of Branch schools. Bro.Alexander Basil (1876-1938) along with Bro. Marcus Cyprian who was supervising the Nazareth Retreat Holiday House at Nuwara Eliya, lent their services to this school with just `90 students, one Brother and two secular teachers in 1921 .Bro.Bolcan might have read with care and heeded the 1906 District Report of Bro.Imier de Jesus. Then, Bro.Imier suggested the occupancy of a House close to the church at Nuwara Eliya. "We already have a property there but it is far from the church. A property close to the church is available for a reasonable sum. With a small community of three Brothers we should have a holiday house that serves Brothers of St. Benedict's as well as a venue for long Retreats. The 3-man community could be in charge of the Catholic school with about 80 pupils. It will be a source of revenue to the community" (Appendix I). In the meantime Bro.Cassian of Jesus had built the Nazareth Retreat holiday House in 1910. Lasallian management of the church school ceased after a few months. Bro. Bolcan left Ceylon the same year when he embarked for England on 1911 October, 1921.The De La Salle Brothers, however returned and managed St.Xavier's College, Nuwara Eliya 01.01.1958 - 29.01.1961) with the Brothers' Community house situated 'close to the church'!
16th Jan 1922- Director- Rev.Bro.Leander School reopened after the Christmas holidays Rev.Bro.Leander took charge of the College.
1922-1927- Rector: Rev.Fr.D.M.Silva
Rector: Rev.Fr.D.G.Phoebus
Rector: Rev.Fr.Robert Perera
Rector: Rev.Fr.D.H.Van Reyk
Later Fr.D.H.Van Reyk O.S.B. was assigned to Badulla mission precisely commissioned to open a catholic school for boys.
Log Entry; The Divisional Inspector of schools C.D –
13TH Sept 1923
There are 49 in the vernacular Department ,25 Learning Tamil and 24 Learning Singhala .
English school: 44 boys were presented for examination which was conducted individually .Of these 35 were promoted. The percentages of passes in all subjects was 83% which considering that the school is young and that changes in syllabus have been made ,must be regarded as very satisfactory.
The teachers are all hardworking and very enthusiastic although they are uncertificated. I think it would be difficult to replace them by more capable teachers. The school room is a large one, and well built with good light and adequate accommodation . Some more school furniture is required, but the Manager is seriously handicapped by want of funds. I strongly recommend that an equipment grant should be made. There is a great demand for a school of this kind in Nuwara Eliya………The high cost of living in Nuwara eliya, about 100% higher than that in other towns is a serious difficulty to the Manager in obtaining certificated teachers; but as the numbers increase through admissions. I have no doubt he will be in a position to obtain some teachers who are certificated. ”
A.R.Patrick Leetham (Divisional Inspector of schools C.D.)
1923 -The first Nuwara eliya District scouts troop was formed at SXC.
1923 School Western band was formed
1923 25th Sept - Inspection of the College- ‘‘ Officers :The Principal wishes Mr.S.Dias, a member of the staff appointed in command. Mr.Dias was a Clr.Sergeant in the C.B.C.L.I (C.C.B), and has been a member of the C.L.I. for over three years. Mr.Dias is very keen will make an efficient officer.
Band: this is a very interesting feature. It is now composed of 11 boys and is being trained by the Rev.Fr.Silva of whose perseverance and keenness one can never say too much. The band with training will prove invaluable to the Battalion” J.R.V.Ferdinando (Captain, Assit. Adjutant C.C.B.)-Log entry
1925 Hard ball Cricket was introduced in collaboration of the NECC
1928-2nd March- Dr.James T.Rutnam (Phd) assumed duties as Head Master. He was educated at St.Thomas’College MountLavinia Later he earned a Doctorate-He was the first to reaveal the origin of the Sri Lankan Tamils –Universities of Colombo, Jaffna and Peradeniya totally depended on his research work.
1928 School boarding house was opened
1928 Annual prize giving was introduced
Nuwara Eliya, Dec. 22nd.
The annual distribution of prizes at St. Xavier's School, Nuwara Eliya, was held yesterday at the school hall. There was a large gathering present. Mr. E. W. Code, Provincial Engineer, presided, and was met on arrival by the Rev. Fr. A. Siriwardena, M.Ap., Manager of the School and the Rev. Fr. Gregory Phoebus, O.S.B.
Proceedings started with the singing of a Chorus Song by the boys of the School Choir. The song which was titled "Will O the Wisp," was very well rendered. Miss. Estelle Bartholomeusz accompanying the singing on the piano.
Mr. James T. Rutnam, the Headmaster, read the annual school report, which showed the steady progress of the school during the year.
The following are extracts:
It has been, and it is, the aim of this institution to give a good sensible education at as low a cost as possible. We endeavour to educate for good citizenship. With this end in view, we develop the physical, intellectual and social faculties of the child, and in doing so we pay particular attention to the building of character. We provide the necessary Catholic influence and atmosphere which we hold is essential for the development of the Catholic child.
We have pleasure in reporting to you a considerable increase in our numbers. We have now 173 on our roll which shows an increase of 22 per cent, on last year's total.
There is a marked improvement in the attendance of the pupils. This is an indication that parents have begun to realise the importance of sending their children regularly to school. In this connection we remark with pleasure the appointment by the Board of Improvement of an Attendance Officer who has begun to prove himself very useful.
Class Work
We did creditably at the last annual Government examination. The Inspectors in their annual report state: "The school is making rapid strides and appreciable progress has been made during the year." They go on further to say "The methods of teaching had undergone a change for the better. The value of charts and illustrations as aids to teaching had been recognized." Special attention is being paid to the study of Ceylon History and the Vernaculars. Our Vernacular Department sees that every Sinhalese and Tamil boy is taught up to the third standard in his vernacular. The English school continues the teaching of the vernaculars up to the eighth standard. With regard to the study of Ceylon History, the Inspectors comment favourably, on the various devices that were employed to make it interesting and practical. The boys are encouraged to collect old coins, books, etc., and to critically observe any relic, landmark or monument of historical value. At present some of them are engaged in collecting material for a history of Nuwara Eliya. By these ways we try to quicken among the boys a taste for scholarship and individual work.
School Activities.
In order to promote "esprit-de-corps" among the boys, the House System was introduced to the school in May this year, and I am glad to report that it is working very successfully. The school has been divided into three houses, viz., Bede, Alexander and Gregory. Keen enthusiasm and a spirit of healthy rivalry prevails throughout. Another novel feature in the life of the school is the school council. This is composed of the teachers and senior boys of the school. Questions affecting the well-being and development of the school are discussed by the School Council, and incidentally the, senior boys are given a training in responsibility which will stand them in good stead in later life. Beside these, we have the School Social Service League which for the time being confines its attention to the poorer boys of the school. The executive duties of the League are run by three Standing Committees, viz., the Poor Aid, the Sick Aid and the Sanitation Committees. The main object of the League is to give practical scope to the teaching of social and civic duties. The School Literary Union is progressing steadily. Under its auspicious we had recently a Sham Board of improvement Meeting which proved very interesting. A Junior Literary Union has been organized for the boys of the lower classes. Thanks to a handsome donation of books by Rev. Fr. A. Siriwardene, our Manager, we have now a worthy school library of which we may be proud.
School Extension
Owing to our increasing numbers, the present school building will very soon become inadequate for our needs. It is proposed to demolish the old structure adjoining the school, known as "Tin Bungalow," where our Boarding and Vernacular Departments are for the time being housed, and construct on that site an upstairs building, the cost of which is estimated at Rs. 20,000, We are quite certain that this amount will soon be forthcoming from our many benefactors to enable us to commence building without delay.
Mr. Cade said that he had listened with great interest to the Headmaster's report and he thought that it showed that the school had made great progress. The number of boys on the roll, which was 173 , was very creditable indeed, and the fact that the school had been divided into houses assisted a great deal in promotion honest and keen competition. There was only one thing in the report to which he had taken exception to, and that was when he had heard that the Rev. Father Phobeus had left the school in order to take up higher and nobler work. He felt that although the Rev. Father Phoebus might have left for higher work he could not have gone to nobler work. He thought that the training of the young mind was one of the noblest of all works .
It was upon the children of today that they looked forward for the men and women of tomorrow, and that all depended on how the children were trained today , what their duties and ideals of life would be when they came to take their place in the world. They were all moving forward, the whole world was moving forward, and in order to keen up with it every institution also should move forward.
The school consisted of children of different communities, different nationalities and he understood, different religions - but surrounding every school there was an influence there was a tradition and that school from the name of it, harked back to centuries go, when that noble missionary Saint Xavier came out East and it was to his memory that school was called, and he thought they had a noble patron and example in that saint to look up to. There was also the influence of the good religious feeling that existed in that school, good catholic atmosphere as it was called that he was certain would be good for everybody, not only for the Catholics themselves, but for the Hindus, the Buddhists and the protestants as well .That was a really good atmosphere and could not fall to help them on in their future lives. He was also pleased to hear of the school council, where the boys and masters mingled together and discussed what good for the school. In his school days they had no such things the masters kept to themselves, and whatever they said had to go. Now the boys and masters met and discussed matters, between the two of them they evolved something which was always to the betterment of the school . He was also pleased to see that the building up of character was also attended to in that school. Each boy should receive the personal interest of the master or the teacher and his character had to be moulded on the boy's own lines and not on any pattern. Each boy had to be trained as an individual. Each of them ought to try to put forward the best in them for their own community, their own nation and their own Empire. They were only cogs in a big wheel, but they should try and do their little bit.
The stage was then cleared, and four of the school boys gave a, very fine rendering of the song "Cherry Ripe! Cherry Ripe." Master A.L. de Silva, who won the prize for elocution, next recited Rev. W.S.Senior’s poem ‘The Call of Lanka’ .The senior boys next staged a comedy in one act entitled "The Doctor's Mistake," which was most amusing. The boys all performed their parts most creditably. The school choir sang the Carol "From' Hallowed Belfry Tower ," and the singing, of the Papal Anthem and the National Anthem followed.
Cheers were called and given for Mr.Cade, and the Proceedings then terminated
1928 House system was introduced and tournaments in Cricket, volleyball and Soccer conducted. Athletic competitions organized
Gregory House-(House Prefect D.Amos),Alexander House-(House Prefect:D.J.Rasiah),Bede House –
1929- Joseph House -(House Prefect : Joseph C.lane)
1929 -15th March Football match against Holy trinity was played.
1929 -18th March Challenge sent to Holy Trinity school for a Cricket match .Not accepted (Log Entry)
1929 The Principal of St. Xavier's college Dr.James T.Rutnam became the President of the Labour Union, (5th Nov. 1929)
1930 The first school Magazine was published.
It was dedicated to His Lordship the Bishop of Kandy Rt.Rev.Dr.Bede Beekmeyer
1930 -27th Jan - “Mr.K.P.Joseph B.A .B.L. came to Nuwara Eliya to assume duties as Head Master of my departure-” James T.Rutnam.(Log Entry)
1930 -3rd Jan - After 2 years service in this school as Head Master I leave it with respect but with confidence that in the cause of the next few years it will develop into a first class secondary school and supply an urgent need in this Distrct. May God bless this school and all those interested in it” James T.Ratnam (Log Entry)
1930 -3rd Feb –Principal-Mr.K.P.Joseph “On the leaving of Mr.James t.Ratnum ,I assumed charge as the head master in this place.” K.P.Joseph B.A. B.L.(Log Entry)
1932- The construction of the Bulderelli Block by Rev.Fr.Bulderelli
DECEMBER 19, 1932-Ceylon times
1933- 22nd May “I visited the school this morning and was most interested in what I saw. The attendance was very good inspite of the very bad weather and I was mush pleased with the interest and cheerfulness of the boys. Some of whom walk as much as 10 to 12 miles each day from their homes and back. I am sure that very valuable work is being done under very difficult conditions.” E.S Sackoon , Attony. Genaral .(Log entry)
1932-1937-Manager: Rev.Fr. D.R.M.Baldarelli
1937-1942 Manager: Rev.Fr. D.Clement Marri
1941 Boxing was introduced.
1941 St.Xavier's was raised to the standard of a Senior Secondary School
1942-1947 Manager : Rev.Fr. D.D.Basenbach
1947-1952 Manager : Rev.Fr. D.P.Farina
1947-December The Old Boys’ Association was formed .
1947-1st Sept –Principal-Mr.D.a.Dabrera “I have taken up duties today. School began as usual. I went round the classes and met the boys and teachers. D.A.Dabrera .(Log Entry)
1947 Nov. 17th An informal conference of the St Xavier’s college Nuwara Eliya OBA was held at 5.15 pm in the college hall
1947 Nov. 30th An informal meeting of the Old boys’ was held at Xavier’s College hall at 10.15 am in order to form an Association.
1947 Dec.14th The Inaugural Meeting of the OBA was held at 3 pm the 14th in the college hall - Mr.Thomas Bastian was elected Secretary
1948 Dec.12th The second annual general meeting of the St Xavier’s College OBA was held at the college hall. Mr.Thomas Bastian was elected Secretary
1949 Feb.19th A meeting of the Sports meet committee was held.
1949 July 30th The Sports Meet of St Xavier’s college was held.
1949 Dec.18th The Third Annual General Meeting of the St Xavier’s college OBA was held at the college hall at 4 pm. The annual reunion dinner took place at St. Andrews hotel at 9.00 pm. Mr.H.Hameed was elected Secretary
1949- 27th Dec. Mr. D.A Dabrera left the College.
1950 10th Jan - Mr.D.Amos was appointed Acting Principal
1950 –Principal-Mr. D.Amos (An old boy)
1950 -December 17th The Third Annual Celebrations – Annual Dinner of SXC, OBA was held at the college hall. -High Mass, Annual General ,Meeting, Social,Volleyball match, Dinner at the College hall
1951 -December 9th Annual sports meet
1951-A group of students conquered mount Pedro
Senior and Intermediate English Literary Associations functioned well.
1952-1956 Manager Rev.Fr.D.O.Filipponi
1952 College Magazine was published.
1953 October 20th -C.F.A. Cup competition at Bogambara Grounds, Kandy.( 4.45 pm).
1953 Oct. 27th C.F.A Inter-Club Competition at Kandy . Organized by The Ceylon Football Association.
De La Salle Brothers’ Return
1958-1962-Rev.Bro.Anselm Stanislaus –The Director,Bro.Condred, Bro.Gabrial, Bro.Alfred and Bro Mathew , Mr.C.Pathmanadan BA ( University of Peradeniya ) an old Benedictine joined the tutorial staff-
1956-1965 -Manager Rev.Fr.Melitus Xavier -Developed the Monopole cottage in to the present building which houses the College office and the science laboratories
1958 New College crest was introduced.
1958 December 11th: -St Xavier’s College Nuwara Eliya -Inter School Sports Meet.
1958 December 12th-:-Annual General Meeting of the OBA.
1959 --Physics, Chemistry and biology were introduced to the curriculum-
1959 January 15th -Exco meeting of the Boys Association held.
1959 March 6th Statement of accounts for the Annual Celebrations, Accounts of Sports meet, Accounts of Old Boys Association dinner audited by. Sgd.J.G. Robert Corera Nuwara Eliya.
1959 August 23rd Soccer friendly match was held, sponsored by The Golf Club Nuwara Eliya. OBA, St.Xavier’s College Nuwara Eliya Vs YMMA Badulla.
1959 October 31st Statement of Accounts for 1956/1959 was audited by Sgd J. Robort Corera Hon. Auditor, St Xavier’s OBA Nuwara Eliya
1959 November 8th Annual Dinner of OBA was held at Priory Guest House Nuwara Eliya at 8.30 pm. (Sponsored by Cargill’s Ceylon Ltd, Nuwara Eliya).
1959 C.F.A Cup Competition. Ceylon Brewery S.C vs. St Xavier’s College, Nuwara Eliya
1959 December His Lordship the Bishop of Kandy ,Rt.Rev.Dr.Leo Nanayakkara visited the College.
1960 November 10th The 13th Anniversary Sports meet of Nuwara Eliya Football League was sponsored by SXC, Old Boys’ Association.
1960 December 3rd- 13th Anniversary sports meet was sponsored by the St Xavier’s OBA.
1961 January 23rd Emergency meeting of the SXC OBA was held at the Y.W.C. hall.
1961 June 6th Kings Dinner at Priory Guest House.
1961 July 29th Annual General Meeting of St.Xavier’s College OBA, Nuwara Eliya
1961-62 Parents ,old boys ,parishioners and well wishers protested against the vesture of the College .
The College was vested in the Crown under conditions in the Act no 5 of 1960 and Act no 8 of 1961,
1-St Benedict’s College Colombo -(est.1839) 01-05-1868(Director)Rev.Bro.Modeste Marie
2-St Mary’s School Negombo 07-01-1870 (Director)Rev.Bro.Timothy of Mary
3-St Joseph’s College Grandpass -01-08-1905-(Director)Rev.Bro.Edwin George
4-De La Salle College Mutuwal- 01-02- 1905-(Director)Rev.Bro.Junianus Edward
5-St Joseph’s College Bandarawela 01-12-1909 (Principal)Rev.Bro.Simon Mathew
6-St Mary’s College Pettah 01-01-1920-(Director)Rev.Bro Lucian
7-St Xavier’s College N’Eliya (est.1857) 01-06 1921(Dir.)Rev.Bro.Alexander Basil (1876-1938)
8-St Sebastian’s College Moratuwa (est.1854) 03-01-1926 (Director) Rev.Bro.Bonaventure Idus
9-St Lucia’s School 31-10-1931 (Director)Rev.Bro.Alexander Basil
10-St Mary’s College Chilaw -01-05-1933 (Director)Rev.Bro.Caesar Albert
11-De Mazenod College Kandana 25-02-1933(Director)Rev.Bro.Andr’e Etienne
12-St Bede’s College Badulla 01-12-1934 (Director)Rev.Bro.Anthony Francis
13-St Anne;s College Kurunegala 01-12-1934 (Director)Rev.Bro.Hugh Farington
14-St Anthony’s College Wattala 04-05-1942 (Director)Rev.Bro.Vincent Joseph
15-St Xavier’s College Mannar 01-09-1951 (Director)Rev.Bro.Caesar Albert
16-St Andrew’s College Puttalam 30-01-1954 (Director)Rev.Bro.Stephen Modestus
Note-It was the De La sale Brothers who administered the highest number of schools in Sri Lanka maintaining international standards.
If all the above schools retained the noble services of the De La sale Brothers, Sri Lankans would have even moved the earth! -
St.Xavier's College, Nuwara Eliya 1958-1961
Top Row:M.Sivarajan, Patric Gnanaraj, C.Tarcisius ,Basil Jayaratne,
2nd Row:Mr.A.Arulanandam, V.Joseph,Terry Seneviratne, Paul Perera, S.Gamage,Sena Wickramasekara, Y.G.Kularatne,J.Sangaralingam, Mr.I.Francis Lambert
3rd Row:X.Payoe, Johore Sama, Stanly H.Palis, Calixtus Leonidas, T.K.Hadjie, K.Kahawe, J.Sebastian, C.S.A.Majeed, T.M.Jaleel, ,V.S.R.Subramaniam
Seated: Mr.S.Amirthanather (Staff), Mr.C.Yesuthasan, E.Julius, Mr.D.Amos, (Principal), Tribus Emanuel ,Rev.Bro.Anslem Stanislaus (Director), S.E.Saleem, Rev.Bro.A.Conrad, (Prefect of games) ,H.D.Ariyasena, Mr.Francis Rajendram
In 1962 March 29th -1st Phase :The school was taken over by the state under a gazette notification –No 12998,Vesting order no 1102
1962 Rev.Bro.Stanislaus Anselm (Left Sri Lanka after the vesture of the College and became the founder of a school in Pakistan )
Rev.Bro.Condred (Later became the Director of St Sebastian’s College Moratuwa
1962 Nov 10th -2nd Phase Vesting order no 1102A of 13389.
The staff at the time of vesture- Mr.D.Amos (Principal), Mr.M.T.Siriwardene
(Vice Principal), Mr.P.N.Nadeson, Mr.M.Gnanapragasam, Miss.W.K.Anulawathi,Mr.A.Adriananandan, Mr.S.Thamarachyam, Mr.K.Rajendran (Head Master, Primary Section) ,Mr.I.V.Selvanayagam, Miss.D.C.Kahawe, Mr.T.R.Fonseka, Mr.A.J.Perera, Mr.S.Amirthanathar,Mr.K.B.Perera, Mrs.W.M.A.h.Perera, Mr.L Jesudian Cruz, Mr.Martin Dias, Mr.A.Susai,Mrs.A.Godapola Appuhamy, Mr.A.Amalanathan ,Mr.Francis Lambert, Mr.S.V.Perimbanayagam, Mr.s.Somasundaranayagam, r.A.Weerasinghe,Mrs.S.Thanachiyam,Mr.V.Samual and Mr.P.M.Peruma
1974-1979 -Parish Priest Rev.Fr. Gregory Fernando
1962 Nov. 10th 14th Anniversary Celebrations of St. Xavier’s College OBA,
1962 Nov. 11th Re Union Day
1963 Oct. 25th OBA Committee meeting was held,
1963 Aug.10th Welcome Dinner to Bro. Anslem on his visit from Pakistan .
Farewell to Rev.Fr.D.M.Xavier. 1965
1965-1974 -Parish Priest: Rev.Fr.T.A.Peiris( Publised the Xaverian 125th Anniversary magazine in 1973)
1965 November 15th The presence of six old boys on the tutorial staff of the College, mentioned in the Document prepared by Mr. Francis Xavier: (Messrs.I.V.Selvanayagam, Thangarajah, N.P.Nadeson, D.Amos, C.J.Perera, S.Wijeyakoon).
1965 Nov.21st- OBA 18th Annual Re Union (Sec.T.E.Sama,Treasurer – F.Xavier)
1966- Principal: Mr. T.Sivapatham
1967- Principal: Mr.A.J.Veerasingham
1967 College Sports Meet was conducted by the OBA.
1967-1984 Principal: Mr.P.Noel Nadeson (An old boy), Vice Principal:Mr.Gangoda
Farewell to Mr.Noel Ndeson -1984
1970-Mr.Percy Jayaratne was elected Secretary OBA
1972 December 3rd :25th Annual General Meeting. Secretary- Mr.Percy Jayaratne.
1978- The Passion play “thirty pieces of silver was staged.
1979 College Sports Meet was conducted by the OBA.
1979.1985 Parish Priest – Rev.Fr. B.J.Ferdinands
The Board Of Prefects-1982
1984 April 5th-Cricket encounter between St.Xaviers Vs Paynters was played on Stadium grounds Nuwara Eliya, at 2.00 pm.
1984 College Sports Meet was headed by Mr.Noel Nadeson.-Guests of Honour- Mr.D.H.De Silva (Chief Guest) Mr.G.M.D.Megasooriya(EO), Mr.K.B.Weragama(EO) -President of the meet – Mr.P.Noel Nadeson (Principal)
1984-Principal: Mr.V.I.Selvanayagam (An old boy)
Farewell to Mr.V.I.Selvanayagam-1986
1985-1992 Parish Priest Rev.Fr.K.G.Kingsley Silva
1985- Principal:Mr.B.G.Bonifass
1985 College Sports meet was headed by Mr.Gaston Bonifass
Deputy Principal:Mr.D.M.M.Chandrapala (An old boy)
1986 Rev.Bro.Nimal Gurusinghe joined the staff.
1986 Inter House Athletic meet was held
1986 Emerged District Athletic Champions
1997 Emerged District Athletic Champions
1988 Body building was introduced - C..Miranda became
the champion body builder of the Central Province
1990 Leo Club with the sponsorship the Lion’s Club was formed.(President: Stanly Azaria)
1992-1993 Parish Priest-Rev.Fr.Melitus Xavier (Appointed for the 2nd time)
1992 Sports meet was conducted by the OBA .
1993 Rev. Bro. Anil Fernando joined the tutorial staff.
1993 The Interact Club was founded-President: Siva Shankar (Now Dr.Siva Shankar -Obtained MBBS Degree from the University of Peradeniya , Secretary Marcus Bonifass. Founder MIC-T.B.Jeganathan). Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Nuwara Eliya Received recognition by the Rotary International Illinois U.S.A.
1993-1995- Parish Priest Rev.Fr. Prasanna Warnakulasooriya
1994- Mrs.Grace Ratnayake the first Lady Principal was appointed Principal of the College. She served a short period,Mr.B.J.Bonifass was re appointed to the College.
1994- SXC Vs S.Thomas’ Bandarawela Cricket encounter. SXC Vs Gamini College Cricket encounter.were played.
1995-1998 Parish Priest Rev.Fr.Ignatius Samarakoon
1994 75th Anniversary College Registration was celebrated Sports meet was held. A commemorative medal was awarded for the best performance .
Gold&White-Regno(Kalani)House-Captain:M.Thangarajah Sports Captain:E.Mahesh Kumara.
Blue & White (Pagnani)Mahaweli- Captain:Ashraf Khan Sports Captain:R.Thilakanadar.
Maroon & White –Beekmier(Manik)Captain :Uga Mohan Sports Captain:R.Karunanayake.
Messrs .G.W.Sigamoney Pillai(Vice President),Paul Perera(Jt.Secretary),Rev.Fr.Joseph Miranda,Messrs-S.Vincent,Trini Rayen (Past President) Rev.Fr.Leslie Perera,V.I.Selvanayagam(Ex-Principal),Thomas Benjamin(Jt.Secretary), Sylvester Anthony (Ex-President),Joy Jayakumar,Russel Jacob,Ram Gopal,N.De Zoysa,D.Gunawardene(Treasurer)
1995 A magazine was published with a brief history of the College.
1998- Rev.Bro.Joseph Augustine –Joined the Staff
English Drama Team became Champions in the District and Runners up in the Provincial Level.-‘The red jewel’ directed by Mrs. Doreen Ariyaratne and Benjamin Jeganathan.
1997- The Principal Mr.B.G.Bonifass ,the retired from the service
1997- 50th Annual General Meeting of the OBA was held at the College Hall .President Trini Rayen Joint Secretaries: Paul Perera,and Benjamin Jeganathan elected.
OBA Executive Committee 2000
1998-2001 Parish Priest Rev.Fr.Joseph Miranda.
1998 OBA Celebrated the Golden Jubilee. The Xaverian Walk from the Church premises followed by the group photograph ,Cricket match, Thanksgiving mass at St Xavier’s Church and the Dinner dance were held at The Hill Club under the patronage of the Director of education Mr.Gamini Seneviratne.
Mr.Gamini Seneviratne, the Director of Education , Mrs.Codippili , Mrs.Malie Perera and Mr.Joe Bush at the OBA 50th Anniversary -1998
1998 1998 October 16th: Hard Ball Cricket match was organized between the Present Boys and the Old Boys at the Municipal grounds for the Late Noel Nadeson Challenge Cup. It was presented by the Lions Club of Nuwara Eliya .
Mr.G. W. Sigamoney Pillai a founder member of the OBA was appointed as the President .He joined the OBA in 1947.
College Sports meet was conducted by the OBA at the Municipal grounds.
Gold& White (Regno)Kalani House- Captain W.M.Chaminda Lal
Sports Captain-C.Monifass
Blue & White (Panganai)Mahaweli- Captain:D.A.R.Sampath Kumara ,Sports Captain-E.Christy
Maroon & White Beekmier(Menik)-Captain A.W.Nadeesha . Sports-Captain R.Elayarajah
1999 -Singhalese medium A/L Classes which were re- commenced with the efforts of the SDS and the OBA was closed down due to unknown reasons.
1999- December – “Go tell it on the mountain” a Christmas carol service was conducted with the guidance of Rev.Bro.Joseph Auguistin BA ,(F.S.C.)
2000-1st April- Parents, Teachers, Past students, and well wishers staged a peaceful protest against the administration in the heart of the town in order to revive the College.
2001- A computer lab was instituted by the Rotaract Club of Nuwara eliya for the benefit of the students.
2007 - January 22nd The Buldarelli hall was mysteriously destroyed by fire in the night.
2007-29th Jan.-The proprietor sent a letter to the Zonal Director of education asking to conduct a fair and through investigation into the burning of the College hall.
2007-March 19th A deputation comprised of the Parish Priest and members of the Parish council met the Minister of education (Tamil) to inquire about the burnt building ,and the Minister has informed that a sum of Rs.18 300 000/=has been set apart for the purpose of rebuilding a new main hall. (Registered letter dated 20th March 2007)
2007-The Laying of foundation stone for the new College hall was organized by the Ministry of education and the management of the school. His Lordship the Bishop of Kandy Rt.Rev.Dr,Vianney Fernando along with the OBA members and Parliamentarians attended the function.
2007-OBA 60th Anniversary Committee dinner was held at the tree of life hotel on the 16th December 2007.
2008-3rd Feb.The Annual General Meeting of the College S.D.S was held. Mr.Nalin Perera was elected as the Secretary.
The Demise of Mr.G.W.Sigamoney Pillai, the OBA President and Founder member .
25th Oct 2008- The members of the OBA organized a guard of honour to pay their last respect to the President. The SXC-OBA will be ever grateful for his words and deeds.
May the dreams and hopes of this noble gentleman go a long way !
Guard of Honour to the OBA President Mr.W.G.Sigamoney Pillai -2008
2008-The incumbent Principal was transferred and the new Principal Mr.Vincent Jebapalan assumed duty on the 5th November 2008.
2008-December :Christmas Carol Service was held in the College.
2008-December 6th-OBA organized the Vespers prior to the Feast of the Patron saint-
St Xavier -Rev.Fr.G.Sigamoney officiated the Holy Mass as the Chief Celebran.
Mr.Russel Jacob was appointed the President of the OBA.
2009-The 150th Anniversary and the OBA 60th Anniversary programmes are planned out.
2009 March- Messrs.Paul Parera,Benjamin Jeganathan,R.M.Nawaz, Joy,Crooze, V.Balendran, Russel Jacob, V.Vadivel and Nalin Medagama representatives of the SXCOBA were elected as exco members of the Nuwara Eliya Basketball Association.
2009 -March 10th The OBA Exco held a meeting in the presence of the College Principal and staff . It was discussed to plan out the College revival activities to be carried out this year . Revival of Football, Basketball, Scouting, Athletics, Table Tennis, Cricket, College Western Band, Prefects Guild, School Development Society, Literary Associations Clubs and societies ,development of College buildings and educational activities focused on the G.C.E.O/L and A/L, were taken for discussion at this meeting .
St Xavier’s College a Windfall for advanced level science education
“St Xavier’s College is the only school with a fully equipped laboratory that provides Advanced Level science education to the Tamil medium students in the District. Ever since Rev.Fr.D.M.Xavier reconstructed the ‘Monopole’ Cottage, into the present ‘Xavier block’ that houses the present laboratories and the office, many students have reaped the fruits for the last five decades. There had been many who have entered the medical faculty of the University of Peradeniya , University of Colombo and the University of Jaffna . The College Science stream has attracted and still continues to attract students not only from the suburbs , but also from Kandy , Mannar, Colombo , Kurunegala ,Gampola and even from Jaffna . Due to the lack of schools with A/Level science classes and necessary laboratory facilities girls are also admitted to these classes at St Xavier’s College. Dr.Savithri, Dr.Ravi Varma, Dr.Maharoof, Dr.Manoj Madagama, Dr.Weerasingham, Dr.Thillainathan, Dr.Siva Shankar are old Xaverian medical practitioners in and out of the city. There are many Doctors who have earned the MBBS degree from Universities and work here and other countries including the United Kingdom and the U.S.A .In 2008 six students from the College were eligible to enter Medical faculty.
Apart from Western medicine Xaverians have excelled in indigenous medicine as well. Indigenous medicine is a great blessing of our Sri Lankan heritage and Old Xaverians Dr.Ajith Andradi and Dr.K.M.J.Keerthisinghe are two prominent medical practitioners in the country. Dr.Andradi has invented a modern medicine to control diabetes which is treasured by many while Dr.Keerthisinghe has been conferred with the title ‘Swarna Jayanthi Vaidya Padma ” by the state in honouring his service to the country.
Chandana Fernando, Elanka Anton and Keerthisinghe are Engineers from the University of Peradeniya and Kapila Bernolds, an apothecary who also have benefited from the College. We shall be ever grateful to Rev.Fr.D.M.Xavier (O.S.B)for his innovative and prudent effort towards higher education at St Xavier’s College.” Editor Xaverian Sesquicentennial Souvenir 2009
‘’ This College had in the past produced students who are now professionals of esteemed positions in Sri Lanka and abroad. When we consider the progress of the College, it is essential to review the progress of the alumni. There are a number of Governmental and Voluntary organizations headed by Old Xaverians in this country. In Nuwara Eliya we have the Rotary Club: Rtn.R.G.Moorthy who is a pioneer member, Rtn.T.E.Sama, Rtn.Peter ,B.G.Bonifass have led the Club in the capacity of President ,Secretary and Directors. The Lions Club was headed by me for few years as its President; The N’ Eliya Rotarcat Club was inaugurated by a handful of old Xavarians with their friends in 1988 ; Shradha Fernando, Shiraz Lathif who is the incumbent President of Charted Institute of management (CIM), S.Maherakanth, Thomas Benjamin, and Keerthi, became some of the founder members while S.Maherakanth, Thomas Benjamin, Keerthi,were conferred with the title Rotaract -Fellow by the Rotary International (Illinois U.S.A.). Navesh Nadeson,Trini Rayen, and Yogeshwaran joined the Club later with many other Xaverians.
The Rangers Club originated by a group of old Xaverians when they were in grade 4 in 1978 still functions as a useful Club. The Junior Chambers Club was formed at the Interfashion in 1995.Old Xaverians Joy Jayakumar and Padmakumara held the Presidency in 1996 and 1997 respectively. Lourdes Mohan ,Abdul Lathif, Nishantha De Zoysa, L.X.Devakumar and many Xaverians joined this Club. The English speaking Association N’ Eliya was founded in 1996 in which Mr.Ralph Quyn was the founder President, and Mr.Benjamin served as the Secretary, Mr.G.W.Sigamoney, Mr.B.G.Bonifass, Doreen Ariyaratne, belong to the Xaverian family became Executive Committee members. Mr.Lal De Silva the Founder President of the Evergreen Foundation with his knowledge and interest on botany and environmental studies has become an outstanding naturalist with hand on experience that he shares with locals and foreigners.
Many Old Xaverians have been of good service to the Hindu temples in the area. The Saraswathi Pooja was one of the most sanctified religious events in the College calendar. It is held annually with the Co operation of all irrespective of differences. Our Old boys hold responsible positions in the organizations of the Islam mosque, the Asokaramaya temple ,the Bambarakelle Raja Maha Viharaya as well as the St Xavier’s Church due to the fact that they were equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge that was obtained from the College. Messrs.Victor E. Manathunga G.W.Sigamoney Pillai, Mr.Milton Ranasinghe have held the post of Secretary of the Parish Council and presently Mr.Joy Crooze holds this position. ’’ N.Sridaran 2009
Prominent Educational institutions in Nuwara Eliya.
Catholic Institutions - St Xaviers’ College, Nazareth school, Good Shephard Convent (1902), Good Rest Convent , St Anthony’s School Blackpool.(All now vested in the State )
Protestant Schools : Holy Trinity College , Methodist school, Paynter Memorial School , Ditto Vernacular School (1925 –Principal :Rev.J.E.Mendis)
Semi Government Schools: Our Ladies School , St Patric’s College
Presently there are 152 schools in the Nuwara eliya District which is divided into five Zones i.e. Nuwara Elya, Kotmale, Hatton, Walapane, and Hanguranketha
Statistics in 2007 reveal the following number of schools in the District:
National Schools- 01, Provincial schools – 42, Pirivena – 01, Semi Gvt, Schools 02
State Schools; Gamini M.M.V, Sri Vajirangana V, Sri Piyathissa V. Mahinda V. , James Peiris V., Dramapala V., Vidyachakra V., Galpalama V., Hakgala V. ,Kalukale V. ,Meepilimana V., Ambewela V., Kalukele Vidyalaya, Kuda oya vid,kikiliyamana v., Zahira Muslim Vidyalaya (1999),
During 1977-1989 estate schools were absorbed into the main stream of education under the educational reforms brought in by the late President J.R.Jayawardene and due to many NGO funding these schools presently own buildings with ample space and other infrastructure and teachers. Many students get through the G.C.E. O/L Examination and some are offered teaching positions in estate and Government schools under the Janasaviya and Samurdi Programmes while some are selected to the teachers’ training institutions (Colleges of education). Presently a provincial councilor is appointed to oversee the improvement of these schools.
Inter National Schools in the city: Republican International School (1991), John Knox School , Tafford College , Koinonian school, Ceylinco Susex School .